Pacific Northwest Orienteering Trim Courses

© Tyler Olson -
© Tyler Olson –

A number of volunteers may raise their desires to participate in the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival. In order to do so, they need to read the guide map and the rules as well as understand thoroughly the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival trim courses.

Several and most of the courses can be found in local parks during the whole course of the festival; however, permanent rogaine course will be located somewhere else most of the time.

It was noted that during the 1983 Festival, the first ever trim course in Seattle was established. This was the Farrel-McWhirter Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festrival trim courses which were finished by the Cascade Orienteering Club.

The map, which has a description of 1:3500, has been revised in October 1995 in order to correct the new control locations and making it more efficient.

The map that has been established in the Farrel-McWhirter can only be found in the City of Redmond Parks as well as the Recreational Department which can be found in the Registration office, with a map of 15965 NE 85th St. Redmond. It is open during official office hours, starting at 8:00am to 5:00pm, from Mondays to Fridays and usually it will cost $1 for the orienteers who will pay it a visit.

In the year of 1995, those that have mapped out the trim course in Seattle, which is around 28 controls, will state control descriptions with 4 recommended courses that are around 0.7 km to 2.2 km. Unlike the Lynndale Park that was created in the year of 1988 by Paul Siscel, some of the trim courses will not be a public course.

The City of Lynnwood Parks and Recreation Department is where the trim course which contains 1:4000 scales can be seen with a cost of around $2. Out of its 25 mapped controls, 3 are highly recommended courses with 1.0km to 3.4 km.

The aforementioned festivals were not the only existing ones. Another Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival trim courses has been established in the year of 1996, created by Bob Reddick, now known as the Robinswood Park at Bellevue, WA. Unfortunately, some of the markers have already been vandalized.

In addition, St. Edward State Park is also included as one of the trim course. It has four permanent orienteering courses with adjacent trails and open areas in order to have minimal environmental impact during the festival.